Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Do You Need Professional Mold Removal?

DO contact a mold removal company if you have any of the following:
  1. Mold that covers more than 10 square feet (about a 3 foot x 3 foot area).
  2. Significant water damage (floods, second story bathtub overflow that damages the floor and/or ceiling, burst water pipes and the like).
  3. Walls, floor, ceiling or other water-damaged areas have been wet for more than 48 hours.
  4. Existing, on-going mold and moisture problems.
  5. Your furniture, walls, wallpaper, floorboards, etc. have visible and extensive damage.
  6. You suspect a hidden source of water – for example, when you see condensation build up in an area where no water should exist.
  7. Someone in the house is experiencing significant health problems or being affected negatively by the moldy odors.
  8. You have reason to believe that your home’s heating or air conditioning system may have a mold problem (mold near the intake, condensation build up on any of the system’s component parts, etc.).  In this case, DO NOT turn on the system or attempt to clean the mold yourself because the possibility of the mold becoming airborne is extremely high.
  9. If you see or smell some obvious signs of mold but not the mold itself and you suspect it might mean something terrible is happening behind the walls.

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