Saturday, June 30, 2012

Can Mold Affect My Pets?

Any person who lives with mold can have their health affected by the home-invader. This is especially true for infants, senior citizens, persons with immune deficiencies and not surprisingly.. our pets. Pets are very susceptible to the harmful effects that come withmold because their noses go where mold grows and their lungs are typically smaller.
Mold induced illness that can affect your pet include sneezing, runny nose, itchy patches, ear infections, increased anxiety and barking, and in some cases pneumonia. Sometimes these illnesses are mistaken for allergies and as long as the mold is in your home, these symptoms will stay.
To help protect your beloved pet from indoor mold, here are three precautions you can take:
  • Wash all your pets’ bedding weekly in hot water. Make sure the bedding is completely dry before you give back to your animal. If the bedding is foam and cannot be washed, it is recommended that you discard it after a year.
  • Be sure to vacuum often and use a dehumidifier to prevent mold growth.
  • Try to bathe your pet regularly if possible.
If you have any more questions or concerns, contact your veterinarian immediately.


  1. A water remover- certainly, your most immediate issue will be to eliminate the water, this device should be in your list. A water cleaner does what you may anticipate it to do- it takes away water from any bombarded area in your home.

    Water damage cleanup

  2. If mold grows in large enough colonies, they will often cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems. Molds may adversely affect human health by three processes: allergy, infection, and toxicity to both you and your household pets. So use Mold Remediation Toronto to prevent this from happening.

